Wednesday, August 19, 2009


This is the first poem I ever wrote. Some may think it should have been my last. I was a young teen at the time. Don't have a specific date.


By Henry David Rosso

Shades of beauty
Beauty is life
Beauty is death
Beauty is.
The elegance of the prow of a ship.
A full-rigged yacht in mid-ocean
A lone fishing boat at sea before dawn
The Lincoln Memorial, silent in subdued light
Steel gracefully arched in a bridge
A lonely lighthouse on a fog-bound peninsula
The melodic blends of violins of a symphony orchestra
The mellowness of a well-played viola
The combined efforts of an entire orchestra producing tranquility in sound
Evening chimes piercing the silence of a small town
An undisturbed blanket of snow on a country field
Towering redwoods flirting with rays of sunshine
A Catholic Church with its solemn peacefulness
The story of the crucifixion of Christ
The understanding in, "forgive them, father, for they know not what they do."
Children telling their dreams,
Laughing, playing, singing, praying
A child hopelessly crushed by a car told that he would go to god, replying,
"I don't want to go dead and be with god, I want to play."
The words of the dying Tiger Flowers, colored boxer,
As he said, "Now I lay me down to sleep."
The acceptance of death by elderly people --
Quiet, resigned surrendering of life
A state of mind

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